

See Ya at MIP Cancun! Easier Said Than Done

“I’ll see you in about three weeks at MIP Cancun,” said many folks at the end of MIPCOM, including the three TV executives pictured above, who were among the few (…)

By |October 23rd, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

The Sense of MIPCOM 2023

How could this 39th annual MIPCOM be characterized? Looking at the plethora of new trade publications that are being distributed here on top of the large number of already existing (…)

By |October 19th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

MIPCOM Day 1: A Floor View

Initial excitement for the market was tempered by the horrific Hamas terrorist attack against Israel. Those executives who had to cancel as a result of this war will be missed.


By |October 16th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

MIA Way is the Italian Way for a Trade Show

In its own disorganized way, the ninth annual International Audiovisual Market (MIA in Italian) ended up being functional, well attended, and fruitful for many of its 2,600 participants, including 300 (…)

By |October 12th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

Migrating From Social Media to OTT Takes Influencers

These days, in the U.S., it’s nearly impossible to watch TV shows like Entertainment Tonight (on CBS) or Access Hollywood (on NBC) unless you’re next to a 12-year-old. Why? Because (…)

By |October 9th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

A MIPCOM Issue That Captures Our Era

If readers were to go through VideoAge‘s online archives they would probably be fascinated to see how the international TV industry has changed throughout the years. More often than not, (…)

By |October 5th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

Mark Ashbridge Explains a Social VAMedia  

From her VAMedia office in Los Angeles, Kristen Bedno, head of Content Partnerships & Acquisitions, North America, described the company before introducing VAMedia CEO Mark Ashbridge (pictured above).

“VAMedia is an (…)

By |October 2nd, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

Talent Agencies Looking For New Roles

In early September, VideoAge sent out a query to talent agents and entertainment lawyers to explore whether the talent agency model has changed in light of the recent industry upheaval (…)

By |September 28th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

How Much is Hulu Worth?

According to Comcast CEO Brian Roberts, the Santa Monica, California-based Hulu is worth $30 billion, thus valuing Comcast’s one-third stake at $10 billion.

When Disney became Hulu’s majority owner in 2019 (…)

By |September 25th, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments

E.U. Regulators Teach U.S. the Ropes

How do we know if regulators are doing their jobs? Easy, we look at the number of charging and connecting cables for electronic appliances, specifically cellular phones and computers around (…)

By |September 21st, 2023|Categories: WaterCooler|0 Comments