Mobile Calling MIP
By Leah Hochbaum
For the last few years, MIP-TV has offered up a Mobile Village in Cannes, a place where TV companies can watch demonstrations and get explanations on (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
For the last few years, MIP-TV has offered up a Mobile Village in Cannes, a place where TV companies can watch demonstrations and get explanations on (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
With MIP-TV fast approaching, VideoAge caught up with some European firms to find out what they’re doing to make some waves at the market.
“What we’re (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
Even when comedians speak your own language, sometimes you just don’t get the joke. Some even say that a common language divides the U.S. and the (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
Across the world, programming trends change like seasons — a winter of comedy makes way for a dramatic springtime, which turns like the color of leaves (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
NBC Universal’s new chairperson and chief executive Jeff Zucker made waves late last year when he announced that in an effort to cut costs, the (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
International pop star Justin Timberlake made his acting debut last year in crime thriller Edison Force. But the film, which also starred such stalwarts as Kevin (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
Satellite has long been the carrier of choice for niche channels, which are seeking the biggest possible audiences they can get. But the introduction of the (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
While the introduction of English-language telenovelas on the new MyNetworkTV hasn’t exactly been a resounding success in the U.S., the soapy series continue to dominate the (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
Is NATPE still the place to be in January? VideoAge visited several exhibitors to find out if NATPE is indeed the weakest of the three major (…)
By Leah Hochbaum
Although TV executives have complained that most of the markets that were once considered can’t-miss events are now just relics of the industry’s forgotten past, most (…)