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So far VideoAge has created 1932 blog entries.

Bring Back the Leaders of Yesterday

By Dom Serafini

The industry is crying wolf: The terrible economy, the bad new media, the finicky public, the unfair digital technology. You name it, and it’s got its (…)

By |October 20th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Bring Back the Leaders of Yesterday

AOL Marks The End of Vertical Integration

By Dom Serafini

I guess that in the corporate world, there’s no easy way to do things. That it was a bad idea for Time Warner to buy (…)

By |October 13th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on AOL Marks The End of Vertical Integration

The L.A. Screenings, Finally Organized

By Dom Serafini

After 45 years in existence as an organic market, it’s time for the L.A. Screenings to become organized just for the independents. Now, before you (…)

By |October 4th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on The L.A. Screenings, Finally Organized

We Mind Your Buyers

VideoAge regularly surveys program buyers in order to better serve its readers and provide the necessary editorial tools for acquisition executives and sellers.

For this reason, during MIPCOM (…)

By |September 29th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on We Mind Your Buyers

Take Five With ATF’s Michelle Lim

By Dom Serafini

About three months prior to the start of Asia TV Forum (ATF) in Singapore (December 2-4), VideoAge asked ATF’s General Manager Michelle Lim, for (…)

By |September 22nd, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Take Five With ATF’s Michelle Lim

Road to the AFM: Q & A With Jonathan Wolf

By Dom Serafini

Like clockwork, the American Film Market (AFM) comes around every fall, and with it, a set of recurring questions for its organizers from the press, (…)

By |September 15th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Road to the AFM: Q & A With Jonathan Wolf

Road to MIPCOM: Q&A with Laurine Garaude

By Karen Ruttner

Laurine Garaude is bursting with optimism when it comes to MIPCOM 2009. Participant enrolment is at a healthy clip, the panel schedule is rife with marquee (…)

By |September 9th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Road to MIPCOM: Q&A with Laurine Garaude

Q & A With Chad Raube, Chairman, CTAM Europe

CTAM Europe, the Zurich, Switzerland-based international cable TV association for marketing, is organizing its traditional EuroSummit Sept. 24-25, this year at the Sheraton Hotel (…)

By |September 2nd, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Q & A With Chad Raube, Chairman, CTAM Europe

Canada: A Country Divided Over Film Festivals

We continue with our series of snippets highlighting parts of the top stories from the MIPCOM Issue of VideoAge. This week, we asked industry (…)

By |August 27th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Canada: A Country Divided Over Film Festivals

Prelude to MIPCOM: VideoAge Headlines

For this week’s edition of Water Cooler, VideoAge would like to stray from our usual style and instead use this space to alert you to the extra-special (…)

By |August 19th, 2009|Categories: WaterCooler|Comments Off on Prelude to MIPCOM: VideoAge Headlines