Videoage International August-September 2021

V I D E O A G E August/Sept. 2021 /Sept. 20 6 Four Decades of Int’ l TV Biz Easy Rider,” “1991-2000: The Serious Business,” “2001-2010: Dealing With Changes,” and “2011- 2021: Facing Challenges.” Indeed, the past four decades saw every imaginable event unfold, and television faithfully recorded these happenings for home viewers as international content sales executives were on the ground facing the new challenges head-on — while also savoring great rewards. In addition to editor Dom Serafini putting in his 2¢ with his usual sardonic verve, through this Issue, international TV sales executives and content buyers recall the most enjoyable and challenging times they experienced throughout the decades. This is an Issue that will surely fascinate content buyers and sellers alike, whether part of the “old guard,” “new guard,” or “emerging guard.” Looking at the 41 VideoAge front covers not only illustrates how the executives’ way of doing business evolved, but also how the TV content that international buyers favored has changed throughout the years, until reaching the evolutionary (or revolutionary) year 2021. (Continued from Cover) (Continued on Page 21) W e at VideoAge have been busy looking at our old covers to refresh our memories about both the good times and the challenging ones that the TV biz has faced in the 41 years since we started publishing. But the executives quoted below (in alphabetical order) didn’t need any refreshing. They remembered everything vividly. Susan Bender, president and CEO, SLB Enter- prises Most challenging times: “For an independent company like SLB Enterprises the biggest challenge is still trying to find that niche program from around the globe that continues to complement the new programming strategies of our Latin clients, especially now that the channels are more and more producing and co- producing their own shows, and buying less and less! In addition, an even bigger challenge these days is making producers understand the newer complexities in the region, and the needs of the clients. The smaller free-TV channels in Latin America are looking to receive programs already dubbed into Spanish. So our mission is two- fold — find a program they would like to buy for their channel, and oftentimes, buying only if it is dubbed into Spanish.” Most enjoyable times: “I have been blessed to work for two wonderful companies, Metromedia Producers Corp and Paramount Pictures — both companies giving me the opportunity to handle and take charge of the Latin American region, which became my passion. Thus, my clients have always been the most enjoyable part of my television journey.” Matteo Corradi , CEO, Mondo TV Most challenging times: “In June last year we formally announced a major expansion for our fast-growing production center, Mondo TV Studios S.A., in order to re-shore production — or part of it — in Europe. Managing this expansion and new structure would have been difficult at the best of times, but in the middle of an ongoing pandemic it’s been more challenging than even we expected.” Most enjoyable times: “It has to be our alliance with Germany’s Toon2Tango and its extraordinarily smooth progress. The aim is to co-produce at least eight new animated TV series within the first four years of the partnership and join forces to distribute them worldwide. And — again despite the pandemic — it’s all going to plan.” Janel Downing , VP, LatinAmerica, All3Media Most challenging times: “The pandemic has brought on tough challenges for everyone in the industry. For us, there were some initial hurdles to overcome when our business transitioned to working from home, but I am so proud of my peers and colleagues for stepping up to ensure our clients and audiences still have access to great shows.” Most enjoyable times: “Any of the timeswewere able to see our clients in person! Looking back on our pre-pandemic industry, there was so much we took for granted. Hosting events, screenings, and simply catching up with our clients over lunch or a glass of rosé — those are the most enjoyable times.” Loni Farhi , president, SPI International Most challenging times: “2021, VoD, VoD, VoD.” Most enjoyable times: “In 1981, I remember we were collecting video/television rights at Monte Carlo. SPI was a start-up [and there was a] very small market for us in Monte Carlo [with] a handful of clients and sellers in one place. I told my partner, ‘We will go into the hotel, do some buying and selling.’ His reply was: ‘But we are so small!’ My reply was: ‘Shhh, nobody will know. Come, let’s make it happen!’ And we did!” Bruce Gordon , chairman, WIN Most challenging/enjoyable times : “Every moment was and is both challenging and enjoyable, not just for the noted 41 years, but my 20 odd before that. 2020 and 2021 have perhaps been themost challenging of all, for everyone, but it has been satisfying to experience the resilience of not only my television business, but to see the majority adapt and thrive.” Irv Holender, chairman and CEO, Multicom Most challenging times : “A bad time occurred during the volcanic eruption in Iceland when we were stuck in Cannes for a few days with no ability to fly home… [There was] also the recent lockdown with COVID. The inability to interact with friends and clients around the world on a personal basis [was disheartening].” Most enjoyable times : “The good times occurred with the privatization of television and cable channels around the world, as well as the growth of the video/DVD businesses in the early The Good And The Bad: 41 Biz Years Recalled By International TV Executives ’80s. The beginnings of the digital platforms were another indication of the ever-evolving business we’re in and the need for content variations.” John F.S. Laing , general manager, Rallie LLC Most challenging times: “In 2020, [it was hard] reaping the benefits of technology without losing personal touch with the world. We now spend more time learning how to communicate than communicating!” Most enjoyable times : “In 1989, as president of Orion Pictures International TV, [I was there to see us] conquer the world with one fax machine, no cell phones, and two office lines.” Pedro Felix Leda , chairman, Ledafilms Most challenging times: “Ledafilms’ early stages (1975) were quite challenging. To win the trust of the producers and worldwide distributors, not to speak about the clients, in so many markets, took time, hard work, and investment. But challenges didn’t stop there. The many economic downturns of different countries over the years, including devaluation of the currency, and sometimes the blocking of U.S. dollar remittances, made life very difficult at times.” Most enjoyable times: “In the early ’70s we just had to market to one platform, black-and-white free-TV. We enjoyed the travel to the different countries and having a lot of time for negotiating with interesting people when attending the international markets in the U.S. and Europe. Then things got more interesting with the start of cable television and home video. Recently, the digital platforms have been a game changer. All this made the business more and more exciting.” James McNamara , vice chairman, Hemis- phere Media Group Most challenging times: “The years before the expansion of private TV in Europe. Back then it was totally a buyers market with one or two outlets per country. I still thank the divine inspiration for the roll-out of private TV.” Most enjoyable times : “Those moments when you would see that a program you helped get off the ground turned into an international hit. The series Santa Barbara was a phenomenon in France and The Bold and the Beautiful certainly was memorable for the success it achieved in Italy and other European countries. Frankly, ’81-’21 have been very enjoyable for those of us who have been fortunate enough to attend markets like MIPCOM, and establish business and personal friendships with executives from all over the world.” Hervé Michel , VP, UniFrance Most challenging times: “There came a time when I decided to go and sell French programs in Asia. I can well remember my first visit to Japanese NHK-Mico to introduce French series Le château des Oliviers (1992), and my first trips to meet Chinese national and regional TV stations to start doing business (1993). Chengdu, Quangdong, even Shanghai had nothing to do with the cities we know now. The business relationships were so complex then. It was difficult to understand and do business with each other!” Most enjoyable times: “I joined the French pub- caster France Television in the early ’90s to set up the international TV program sales division at a time when everything was possible. You just