Videoage International August-September 2021
4 World V I D E O A G E August/Sept. 2021 /Sept. 20 AUGUST 2021 JUNIOR PAGE_ 7.284”x 9.055” VIDEO AGE JR. PAGE GRB Studios www. g r b t v . c om l s a l e s @ g r b t v. c om Genre: Crime Duration: 258 X 60’ Genre: Paranormal Duration: 20 X 60’ Genre: Documentary Duration: 8 X 60’ TIFFANY HADDISH JIM GAFFIGAN KEVIN HART WHITNEY CUMMINGS Genre: Stand-up Comedy, Films, Documentary, and Scripted Series Duration: 500+ hours WITH NICK GROFF GRB STUDIOS MIPCOM 2021 SELECTIONS to include some animation projects. Four animated series and twelve doc-umentaries will be presented to participating buyers and com-missioning editors. Le Rendez-Vous Bi@rritz is organized by UniFrance, which in June 2021 absorbed trade association TV France International into its orga- nizational structure. With the integration of TVFI, UniFrance oversees the promotion of French film and audiovisual programming internationally. Cannes Fest In Facts & Figures T he 74th annual Inter- national Cannes Film Festival proceeded suc- cessfully by implementing anti- COVID-measures. The fest took place July 6-17, 2021, after being rescheduled from its original dates of May 11-22. Some 28,000 participants were on the scene. U.S. film director Spike Lee chaired the jury for the 24 films in competition, and 564 films were shown during the market portion of the event. Vaccinated Europeans could access the festival’s facilities by showing their health passes. Others, including U.K. and U.S. attendees, had to submit to COVID tests every 48 hours even if vaccinated. Festival staffers were also required to be tested every two days. On average, three positive cases were detected per day out of approximately 4,000 daily tests. Those tests, with results delivered in six hours, were free, while rapid tests (which offered results in 30 minutes) were available for 50 euro (U.S. $58). A test center adjacent to the Palais was open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. throughout the duration of the event. Those who tested positive for COVID had to quarantine at their hotels for 10 days. Indoors, masks were re- quired. The same was true at restaurants, where the only restrictions were on buffet meals. At the screenings and awards ceremonies no empty seats between attendees were required. No body tempe- ratures were measured at the entrances of the Palais or the hotels. I n early May of this year, organizers of Le Rendez-Vous Bi@rritz announced that the 2021 edition of the French television market would take place, like last year, entirely online, from September 6 to 8. Biarritz is a French town in northeast France where the event would have been held had it happened in person. Supported by Screenopsis, the database for French programs for export, Le Rendez-Vous Bi@rritz 2021 will feature video content and themed conference sessions through its virtual format. The annual event will, however, include an in-person component in the form of Studio du Rendez-Vous Bi@rritz, which was introduced last year. But the Studio will once again be set up in Paris, where members and guests will be invited for the filming of Super Highlights, which will showcase 14 programs across documentary, fiction, andanimation. In these videopitches, distributors, producers, and talent will speak with France 24 journalist Marjorie Paillon at the Studio about the programs and share excerpts. This year, Le Rendez-Vous also broadened its project pitching sessions Le Rendez-Vous: Still A Virtual Love Affaire
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