Videoage International August-September 2021

17 Four Decades of Int’ l TV Biz August/Sept. 2021 V I D E O A G E In 2009, a relatively obscure Italian industrialist named Lorenzo Pellicioli assembled a stack of companies in France, Spain, Italy, and the U.K. to become Europe’s largest media holder. The decade of changes ended in 2010 with the prediction of another change: “Virtual TV Trade Shows Coming Soon Near You,” and the rush toward 3D TV, which fizzled soon after. The 2011-2021 period could not be better described than “Facing Challenges,” as the challenges were plenty even before the pandemic struck the world. The decade started with a review of FremantleMedia and the challenges it faced. It continued in 2011 with a tough job market, and the stress caused by an avalanche of awards shows. There were a whopping 27 U.S. events between the months of November and February. In 2012, development became a “necessary evil” of U.S. TV productions. And Wi-Fi on airplanes began to challenge in-flight entertainment companies. 2009 2011 2010 2012