Videoage International August-September 2021

14 Four Decades of Int’ l TV Biz August/Sept. 2021 V I D E O A G E (Continued on Page 16) The years 2001-2010 can be characterized as “Dealing With Changes” since they established the international TV industry’s transformation from a niche operation to one that was taken over by corporate oversight. Indeed, the first VideoAge Issue of that decade explored what was until then considered “ancillary” revenues for in-flight entertainment to “Big Bucks.” It also featured the overwhelming international presence of Viacom’s Sumner Redstone, and the programming strength of LATAM’s telenovelas. Changes were in the air for RAI’s Prix Italia as well in 2002, when a dying TV festival was handed over to veteran innovator Carlo Sartori, a RAI TV executive, for revival. By 2003 DVD piracy had “become an industry,” with revenues for illegal movies estimated at $3 billion a year. More changes came in 2004 with the popularization of VoD and its derivatives like SVoD and FoD (now called AVoD). 2001 2003 2002 2004