Studio 100 Film has added animated feature Rally – From Paris to the Pyramids to its slate. The feature, produced by Norway’s Qvisten Animation, is directed by Norwegian filmmaker Rasmus A. Sivertsen with a screenplay by Rob Sprackling in collaboration with Karsten Fullu.

This action adventure film for family audiences follows Reodor Felgen, a brilliant but eccentric inventor, and his two unlikely friends — Solan, a daring magpie, and Ludvig, a timid hedgehog — as they compete in the legendary Paris-to-the-Pyramids rally. Equipped with their extraordinary race-car, the trio embarks on a journey through Paris, the Italian Alps, and the Egyptian desert. With their home, friendship, and lives on the line, they must prove that ingenuity and determination can conquer any challenge.

The feature is inspired by the universe of Norwegian creator and author Kjell Aukrust and iconic car Il Tempo Gigante, one of the most beloved cars in Norway’s automotive culture.

The film, currently in production, is set for delivery in 2025 and will be distributed in Scandinavia by Nordisk Film Distribution during Christmas 2025.

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