Judging from the good number of printed trade publications published for the occasion and being distributed at NATPE Budapest, the CEE market could probably be considered a success (especially when compared with the other CEE markets that took place in June). It has ben pointed out that participating exhibitors don’t invest in promotion for markets that they don’t consider worthwhile.

Now we wait for the final verdict from the exhibitors who invested in the trade event, as well as from the buyers themselves.

In terms of exhibitors, NATPE Budapest registered 125 companies, of which 24 had suites on the 2nd floor of the InterContinental Hotel, while 101 could be found on the first floor in a large space divided by zones. One was reserved for pavilions (including ones for France, Spain, and Turkey). In addition, there were companies at meeting tables, at viewing stations, and in meeting rooms.

A few companies, like Eric Muller of Luxembourg’s United Media, attended without exhibiting. First-time market attendees Darrin Holender of Los Angeles’ Multicom, Sophie Ferron of Los Angeles’ GRB Media Ranch, and Edi Mils of Rome’s Treetone did the same. On the other hand, Mary Joe Pascua and Rochella Salvador of the Philippines’ GMA attended for the first time, but with a table. First-timers and non-exhibitors brought the total participating sales companies to 145.

There were 13 conferences held in the ballroom, located on the first floor. There was also a “Meet an Expert” session held on Tuesday, but it was off limits to the press.

In terms of buyers, the organizers registered 430 total acquisition executives (but a few didn’t show up, according to some reports), an 18 percent increase over last year. An official 850 executives attended the market (up 12 percent from 2023), and it seemed like they all showed up at the crowded opening night party on Monday, June 24, at the hotel’s ground-floor restaurant, as well as the popular boat party, which took off from a nearby dock on Tuesday. The market closed on June 27, 2024.

Besides the usual complaints about missing buyers, the main talk was as yet unconfirmed gossip that two market organizers were invited to pitch Turkish government officials for the assignment of an April 2025 TV market in Istanbul. The venue is expected to be the AKM Cultural Center on Taksin Square. A decision is expected after a mid-July meeting in Istanbul. According to VideoAge‘s sources, the Istanbul market is going to happen with or without a partner.

Another bit of gossip (which came up during a wrap-up press conference, but it was officially dismissed) concerned next year’s NATPE Budapest. It turns out that the market will stay with its traditional June dates despite a successful (but smaller) NEM market taking place during the same month.

Pictured above, the printed trade publications distributed at NATPE Budapest. Pictured below from top l. are: Kanal D’s Elif Tatoglu and Canan Toca; ATV’s Müge Akar; Multicom’s Darrin Holender; Mary Joe Pascua and Rochella Salvador of the Philippines’ GMA; Calinos’ Asli Serim; Inter Medya’s Hasret Ozcan and Sinem Aliskan; GRB Media Ranch’s Sophie Ferron and Globo’s Rodrigo Nascimento; OGM’s Ekin Koyuncu

The WaterCooler bi-weekly feature will be on hiatus until July 11, 2024.

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