Coinciding with the guilty verdict of the Hush Money Donald Trump trial, GRB Media Ranch has announced the acquisition of #Untruth, a political documentary about the psychology of “TrumpISM” and the authoritarian strain that is seeded in the current American political landscape.

This documentary, by director/executive producer Dan Partland, accompanies two other Partland productions available through GRB Media Ranch on the topic: #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump and God + Country, a look into the growth of white, Christian nationalism in the U.S. Released theatrically, God + Country (co-produced by Rob Reiner), received an 88 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Gary R. Benz, CEO of GRB Media Ranch, said: ” We acquired these programs just at the time that Donald J. Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers. GRB Media Ranch is proud to include them in its portfolio of timely documentaries on compelling subjects produced by acclaimed filmmaker Dan Partland.  In a historic U.S. election year where the subjects of the films reflect the deep divisions within the nation, these riveting political documentaries are essential viewing!  At GRB Media Ranch, we get stories — riveting, topical, compelling.”

Partland added: “Democracies around the world are under threat like we haven’t seen in 100 years.  Hopefully, yesterday’s verdict in New York is the beginning of an American recommitment to the fundamental values of liberal democracy that have been so eroded by the global wave of intolerance and authoritarianism, which is drowning our body politic.”

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