It turns out that radio and TV shows are better than sleeping pills. The Wall Street Journal has discovered that insomniacs and people who have difficulty sleeping tend to snooze off by listening to TV programs on YouTube or broadcast TV.

In particular, the Journal found out that putting people to sleep is not the show itself, but the human voice associated with it. Indeed, sleep-inducing topics have nothing to do with people’s interests, being obsolete Microsoft Word tutorials, weather forecasts, painting instructions, or even fake play-by-plays of baseball games.

To insomniacs, monotonous show hosts with boring voices have now become superstars, and some performers have made a profession out of the art of putting people to sleep, by dispensing podcasts with such topics as cash-dispenser machines, and utility poles.

The quest for insomniacs is now to find the most boring video recording ever made, instead of the sound of rain showers, ocean waves, and burning logs in fireplaces.

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