Dilemma (drama, thriller)
Neslihan Turhan, the host of the TV show One Truth, touches people’s lives, sheds light on the stories that remain in the dark, and has built her career on the principles of justice. Her life is upturned by Lal Kaleli’s death, in which her son Canis implicated. Caught between motherhood and all that she believes in, Neslihan faces a challenge.

Lost in Love (drama) (pictured)
Mete and Naz, born into affluent and influential families, are bound together by a childhood promise. As they grow older, their relationship becomes a rollercoaster of heated arguments and passionate reconciliations. While Mete and Naz’s relationship becomes clouded with suspicion and jealousy, the story explores the intricacies of love, trust, and competition in their intertwined lives.

Stickman (drama)
Tamer, a successful game developer, married Berrin, and when his game struck gold with a $300 million investment, he bought a mansion. Meanwhile, Peri, a private bank manager with a traumatic past, contemplated ending her life but unexpectedly crossed paths with Tamer. They discovered their shared pain and found solace in each other’s company.

Fairmont Century Plaza, Suite 832

Contact: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Address: Tomtom Mah. İstiklal Cad. Mısır Apt. No:163/17  Beyoğlu/ İstanbul
