If you wonder what’s the perceived difference between 4G and 5G, the experts don’t have an answer, but have a solution: 5.5G. According to telecom companies, the upgrade is coming in a couple of years to satisfy those disappointed users who were expecting 5G to be something closer to world-shattering technology.
Telcos call the 5.5G “5G Advance” and it is expected to come out by 2025. Whether it will solve Internet delay is still to be determined, so sports fans have to wait another two years to find out if live television brings scoring faster than Internet.
However, analysts are already warning that, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, “With 5G or 5.5G you won’t necessarily notice a huge difference.” In addition, noted the newspaper, “In many markets, 5G speeds have declined in the past year, and the appetite for many consumer applications has yet to emerge in a big way.”
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