As per today, Thursday April 27, 2023, the Century Plaza hotel in the Century City section of Los Angeles will be housing 75 exhibition companies for the upcoming L.A. Screenings. This is according to Isabella Marquez, the organizer of the independent portion of the L.A. Screenings, which will run May 17 to 19 (with set-up on Tuesday, May 16). The studios will pick up starting on May 20, except for MGM, which will host a one-hour presentation on May 19.
On the evening of Saturday May 20, many participants will return to the Century Plaza for the traditional Telefilms screenings and cocktail. That same night, NBCUni will also be running what its calls a “Film Screening event” in Hollywood (for Fast X).
Fox will be back at the Screenings after a three-year absence with a Sunday “presentation and party” on its lot. The Hollywood studios will continue their schedule until May 25, ending with the Sony screenings. Another party will be thrown by Sony, while Paramount, MGM, and Warner Bros. will settle for evening “drinks.” Meanwhile, Lionsgate will host “private screenings.”
Going back to the indies, Marquez would like to encourage all participants to obtain a $75 registration badge from her. It comes with a list of buyers, plus a discount for those interested in attending the Content LA conference (held concurrently at the same hotel). They can pay a $199 fee to attend instead of the regular $500. The indies’ L.A. Screenings registration is not mandatory, “but that little amount would help me to provide the services that participants would like to receive,” said Marquez.
As for VideoAge, which, since 1983 has been considered the official guide-publication for the L.A. Screenings, its printed edition will be distributed starting on May 16 at the Century Plaza, and from May 20 at the various Hollywood studios, before being mailed out to executives in their offices. However the digital version will be posted on May 12 to allow international buyers to review the new pilots, the indies’ content listings, and the studios’ new executive rosters.
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