SPI International has partnered with Thema to distribute the Dizi channel in Arabic to French network operators. The channel dedicated to Turkish drama series will be available to Free and SFR subscribers in the Maghreb package.
“Turkish series have become a global phenomenon with many fans around the world. I’m sure that, Arabic-speaking fans of Turkish series in France will be particularly happy to hear about our partnership with Thema to bring Dizi to enrich their offer, with over 500 hours of some of the best Turkish series with the most popular stars to their TV screens,” commented Georgina Twiss, MD Western Europe and Africa at SPI International.
Timothée Vidal, SVP Multicultural Distribution and Digital at Thema, added: “Thema is delighted to welcome Dizi into the offer “Le bouquet Maghreb”. The quality and diversity of the programs offered by this channel reinforce the attractiveness of our offer, leader on Arabic-speaking diasporas segment and available in all TV operators in France.”
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