Following its 30th birthday in 2022, the European Audiovisual Observatory starts a new year under its Portuguese presidency. The Strasbourg-based organization has been providing facts and figures and analysis of the film, television and video industries in Europe since 1992.

Each January a different Observatory member country takes over its yearly rotating Presidency. Portugal follows on from Estonia, which held the Observatory Presidency in 2022.

Portugal is represented by Marta Sousa, Legal and International Affairs officer within the Portuguese national cinema institute.

As every year, a public media conference will be hosted by the Presidency of the Observatory in the first half of June. The in-person event will take place in Lisbon on June 6, 2023.

Marta Sousa said: “We are looking forward to working with the Observatory through the beginning of its fourth decade. These are very hard times for the audiovisual industries in Europe and my organization is proud to support the Observatory in production of those facts and figures which help us to better understand the challenges and solutions for our industry.

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