Toronto-based Hollywood Suite will present a full day of programming from Indigenous creators in recognition and support of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. Spotlighting the culture, history and perspectives of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, the programming will air on Hollywood Suite’s HS00 channel.

On the same day Hollywood Suite will premiere feature-length documentary The Long Ride Home. The doc tells the story of a courageous group of Indigenous riders, led by Neil Sioux, who embark on a series of two-week-long horseback journeys across many traditional territories to bring awareness to the realities of Canada’s colonial past, end the over-representation of Indigenous children in care, and find a shared path forward.

The programming line-up also includes work from Indigenous creators, such as Jeremy Torrie’s thriller The Corruption of Divine Providence (2020); box office success Indian Horse (2017); Darlene Naponse’s Falls Around Her (2018) starring Tantoo Cardinal; Every Child Matters: Reconciliation Through Education (2020), among others.

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