New York Women in Film & Television announced the appointment of its new Board of Directors president, Leslie Fields-Cruz. Fields-Cruz has served on the NYWIFT board for four years including stints as the VP of Programming and of Membership. Fields-Cruz has been the executive director of Black Public Media since 2014, where she is focused on growing BPM’s resources to enable it to support more stories about the Black experience. She started at BPM in 2001 managing grant making activities that supported the production and development of documentary programs for PBS. By 2005, she was the director of Programming, leading the distribution of all funded programs to public television. In 2008, with six independent titles in need of a public television broadcast, Leslie launched AfroPoP: The Ultimately Cultural Exchange, a documentary series highlighting the variety and depth of the global black experience.
Fields-Cruz succeeds former president Jamie Zelermyer.
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