After a June 28, 2022 press release officially announced that NATPE 2023 would move to Nassau, in The Bahamas, VideoAge was able to get some of the answers to questions raised by a few of the 11 TV executives who, on May 25, 2022, went, at their own expense, to inspect the new venue at the Baha Mar complex.

VideoAge met with NATPE CEO JP Bommel during NATPE Budapest for an interview that had at first been declined before the report about the visit was published by VideoAge on June 16, that is. Bommel wasn’t pleased with that report, and called it inaccurate, while failing to point out specific issues he had with it.

Of the five questions raised by some of the visiting team, which was organized by NATPE itself, Bommel answered only two with any clarity. He noted that the exhibitions in the suites will take place in all three of the hotels in the Baha Mar complex (at the exhibitors’ discretion, just like at NATPE Miami). As for the floor exhibition and conferences, they will take place in the complex’s Convention Center. Plus, when asked how many years NATPE has signed with the Baha Mar, after some hesitation, Bommel reported that the organization, for now, has a deal for “one year, in 2023.”

As for the questions of hotel room rates, whether NATPE will comp some of the buyers, and if there will be a sit-down breakfast meeting place, an unusually fierce Bommel asked the interviewer to read what was stated in the official press release, cautioning that VideoAge should focus on positive reports.

With VideoAge insisting on reporting the answer to the question of whether accommodations will be comped for some of the buyers (especially those from financially strapped Central America), Bommel would only note that NATPE has “a very compelling initiative for buyers.”

As for room rates, he would only say that prices will be “less expensive [than NATPE Miami],” and that they’re “looking [both] at cost efficiency and adding value to our clients.” This latter statement was also in NATPE’s June 28 press release, which did not furnish any other details, except to declare the many virtues of NATPE.

Finally, on the topic of providing restaurant seating space for breakfast meetings, he tersely responded that VideoAge shouldn’t be involved in the food business. That was one of the questions that seemed to most annoy Bommel, as he repeated the reply several times, even when discussing unrelated topics. He wouldn’t, however, address it directly, except to reiterate what was already stated in the press release, that “there are over 40 restaurants” in the complex. It was also rather unusual that the otherwise affable top NATPE executive kept insisting that VideoAge‘s reports should follow official NATPE statements that reflect positively on its markets.

VideoAge‘s June 16 detailed report on NATPE in Nassau (now known as NATPE Global) can be found here.

Pictured above, NATPE president JP Bommel (r.) and senior VP Charlie Weiss 

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