Proponents of a new television world without broadcast television are urged to read the June/July Issue of VideoAge, which, among other stories, includes a review of the recent in-person (and quite vibrant) L.A. Screenings. According to various predictions, broadcast television should be defunct but, as has been demonstrated, it’s far from that.

The June/July Issue of VideoAge also includes a preview of both the upcoming NATPE Budapest and the August 2022 premiere of MIP Africa in Cape Town, South Africa.

In addition, the Issue contains five other stories that shouldn’t be missed, including one about French TV’s explosion of M&A activities, a piece about the whirlwind of 20 international TV trade shows between the months of June and September 2022, an article explaining what contributes to the high costs of flying to international TV trade shows, and the controversial My2¢ editorial about European intellectuals.

And speaking of intellectuals, readers will also enjoy a good dose of academia supplied by the Book Review.

These will all be featured in the Issue, which can be found online at and available in text, audio, and PDF before various postal services around the world deliver the printed copies to industry executives.

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