Managing Director, Latin America , CBS Studios International
VideoAge InternationaI: Is Miami Beach a better venue for NATPE than Vegas? And Why?
Stephanie Pacheco: Miami is a better venue for NATPE primarily because it’s much easier to reach for everyone. There are direct flights from Latin America, Europe, and other parts of the world, whereas Las Vegas always involved a change of planes and very long flights.
VAI: Is NATPE still a vital market for you?
Stephanie Pacheco: NATPE is still very much a vital market for me. It is a good way to start off the year to discuss what new product CBS has and to close deals that have been considered in the previous year. It is also important to see what programming the clients will be needing, as well as client plans for the forthcoming year, such as changes with technology and new media that will be coming to fruition in 2011 in many Latin countries.
VAI: How important is mid-season in your annual sales cycle?
Stephanie Pacheco: It’s important in the sense that the clients are always looking for new product, particularly those that didn’t get any of the L.A. Screenings shows.
VAI: If you have to rate NATPE as a Latin market, would you say: L.A. Screenings, NATPE, MIPCOM (in that order)?
Stephanie Pacheco: Exactly.
VAI: What product will you be showcasing at the market?
Stephanie Pacheco: We will be introducing our new midseason for CBS, Chaos, the highly anticipated new Showtime series The Borgias starring Jeremy Irons, as well as continuing sales of Hawaii Five-0, Blue Bloods and The Defenders.