Suites at the Fairmont Century Plaza: Check. Studio calendars: Check. Exhibiting indie companies: Check. Top acquisition executives attending: Check. New TV series to screen for international licensing: Check. VideoAge‘s L.A. Screenings Guide: Check.

At this point, the L.A. Screenings 2022 are ready to go, returning to the in-person event that was unable to run in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic.

So far, over 44 suites from 39 distribution companies (a few companies reserved multiple suites) have been reserved at the newly refurbished Fairmont Century Plaza in the Century City section of Los Angeles for the indie portion of the L.A. Screenings, which mostly caters to LATAM buyers, and which is set for May 18-20. The suites will be located throughout the nine floors of the hotel’s suites (from the 3rd floor to the 11th). In addition, since the allotted number of suites was sold out, 24 meeting desks (i.e., tables) for some 17 other distributors (one company reserved multiple tables) were added on one floor below the lobby.

The studio portion will stretch from May 21-25, with their LATAM screenings scheduled on May 21 for Paramount, May 22 for NBCUni, May 23 for Warner Media, and May 24 for Sony. Disney will have a suite at the Century Plaza, and it will be screening in its suite on May 25 only.

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