Filming began on the Sky original film Der Kaiser.

Produced by Bavaria Fiction on behalf of Sky Studios, Der Kaiser stars Klaus Steinbacher in the lead role as German professional football player Franz Beckenbauer. Directed by Tim Trageser and written by Martin Rauhaus, the biopic depicts a story of a man who fought against the outdated rules in football and for self-determined action as a sports personality. The film follows Beckenbauer against a backdrop of breathtaking games and tournaments.

NBCUniversal Global Distribution will oversee international distribution.

Frank Jastfelder, director of Sky Originals Scripted, commented, “Franz Beckenbauer made history by winning the World Cup as a player and as a coach. But his brilliant performances off the soccer field also made him a legend. Together with Bavaria Fiction, we are now bringing the unique icon’s career from the 1960s to the great World Cup final in Rome in 1990 to vibrant life. We are delighted to be working with a great team led by Klaus Steinbacher as ‘Kaiser’ Franz to make this exciting Sky Original biopic.”

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