Series Mania announced guest of honor and keynote programming for the 2022 Lille Dialogues.

Set to take place on March 24, 2022, the one-day summit will feature the official opening speech from guest of honor Margrethe Vestager (pictured), European commissioner for Competition and executive vice-president for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age.

Organized in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, the CNC, and the European Commission, the 2022 edition will feature panel discussions as well as keynotes with top industry executives. Raffaele Annecchino, president and CEO of International Networks, Studios and Streaming Paramount, will present the keynote on “The World of Paramount International Streaming.” Additional highlights include keynotes from WarnerMedia’s Priya Dogra, Amazon Studios’ Georgia Brown, and TF1 Group’s Gilles Pélisson.

Find more on the programming agenda at the Lille Dialogues here.

Laurence Herszberg, founder and general director, commented, “This year’s theme is ‘Empowering the Audiovisual Industry with Creativity’. Now more than ever, our goal is to promote a culture that fosters pluralism, diversity, and social cohesion.”

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