The Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (CNC) and TV France International reported strong figures for French television programming exports in 2017.
In total, French TV exports, along with co-productions and pre-sales, amounted to more than 325 million euro. Foreign sales were recorded at an all-time high of 205 million euro. Animation sales accounted for 37 percent, nearly 76 million euro. Meanwhile, fiction sales increased by 28 percent reaching 64 million euro and documentary sales made nearly 36 million euro. Additionally, last year’s export figures saw an increase in sales to the United States and Canada, up 16 percent.
Hervé Michel (pictured), president of TV France International, commented, “We are delighted at this continual growth and the doubling of sales in 10 years. These indicators and the record sales figures are the result of a dynamic marketplace, but also to the remarkable capacity of our sales companies to understand a market that is both complex and rapidly evolving.”
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