We realize that the summer is just kicking off now, but may we turn your attention for a minute to September? At least we’re talking September on the Atlantic Coast in southwest France.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of TV France International’s annual TV screenings (and flagship event), known as Le Rendez-Vous. We caught up with Paris-based TVFI’s Mathieu Bejot to find out what’s in store for the event, which will take place in Biarritz from September 7-11, 2014.

VAI: What can we expect at the Screenings this year?
MB: It’s a special edition for us. We are very proud of our achievement in the last 20 years, but our focus will be the 20 years to come! We are working on a new digital platform that will provide a search engine using the latest web technologies, more programs to screen online and tools to manage digitization and file transmission.

Details will be announced at the Screenings, and the platform will be launched next year. We will also launch a new Export Award for formats to recognize formats that have been doing well internationally, as well as promising new formats.

VAI: As of now, how many companies do you expect to exhibit? How about the number of buyers?
MB: We are expecting 60+ French exhibitors and around 250 buyers.

VAI: Are there any special events worth noting?
MB: Besides the Format Export Awards, our events include:

– A semi-final round of judging for the International Emmy Awards

– Two premiere screenings: Witnesses, a 6×52’ series by the showrunners of Pigalle la Nuit, distributed by Newen Distribution and White Soldier, the first TV drama by Erick Zonca (La Vie Rêvée des Anges / The Dreamlife of Angels), distributed by Lagardere Entertainment Rights.

– Two themed dinners on two exciting programs: World Medicine, a documentary series on ancestral medicinal practices (distributed by Arte France) and The Darwinners, the new paleothically incorrect animated series by Emmy Award winning production company Hau1.

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