Italy’s Mediaset Distribution is heading to the Berlin Film Festival with a slate topped by new series Fratelli Corsaro, Maria Corleone 2, and The Good Family.

Also in the line-up are director-focused collections including Dario Argento’s The Card Player (Il Cartaio)The Phantom of the Opera (Il Fantasma dell’Opera)Sleepless (Non ho Sonno), and The Stendhal Syndrome (La Sindrome di Stendhal); Giuseppe Tornatore’s  BaarìaEverybody’s Fine (Stanno Tutti Bene), and The Unknown Woman (La Sconosciuta); and Paolo Genovese’s The Immature (Immaturi)The Immature: The Trip (Immaturi il Viaggio)Blame Freud (Tutta Colpa di Freud), and A Perfect Family (Una Famiglia Perfetta), in addition to a selection of classic Italian films.

Claudia Marra, sales manager at Mediaset Distribution, will be representing the company at the EFM Italian Pavilion.

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