It’s time to take a hard look at what VideoAge did for the industry over the last year.

In 2024, VideoAge covered 13 TV markets in 11 cities in seven countries with its publications, which included seven Issues and two dailies.

In addition, VideoAge featured 89 twice-a-week Water Cooler digital reports and 230 daily e-Beat digital newsletters.

In terms of editorial content, with 80 articles, VideoAge Issues touched every single topic of interest, news, and information that might interest executives in the business of producing, licensing, buying, and transmitting TV content. And, unique in the TV trade biz, we published a regular review of books about the film and television industries.

Our printed Issues’ reports featured photos of and quotes from 82 TV executives from over 30 countries.

Our printed and digital dailies featured 580 product listings and 150 photos of executives. And so, once again, VideoAge can say that it was able to cover our industry before, during, and after every major international TV trade show.

In 2025, VideoAge will be publishing the same number of printed and digital editions (monthlies and dailies) as last year, with the MIPTV Issue replaced by the combined MIP London/Series Mania edition.

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