French union Sous Les Écrans La Dèche: Collectif Des Précaires Des Festivals De Cinéma (“Under The Screens, The Waste: The Collective of Precarious Workers at Film Festivals”) called for a strike today, May 6, one week before the opening of the Cannes Film Festival.
With just one week to go, the Cannes Film Festival is fearing disruption at its 77th edition. The collective of film workers called for a strike, “by all employees of the Cannes Festival and parallel sections”. This includes projectionists, programmers, press attachés, ticket agents, among others.
Deploring the growing precariousness of their jobs, employed by various festivals throughout the year on temporary assignments, workers are asking to be able to benefit from the intermittent status of entertainers.
Almost every year, the festival is the subject of demonstrations and threats of strike. Last year, the CGT Energie union threatened to implement power cuts at the festival site.
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