On March 14, 2024, 36 film and TV executives — all NATPE veterans — met for lunch at the Wende Museum of the Cold War in Culver City, California. The luncheon was organized by former NATPE president Rick Feldman, who presided over the National Association of Television Program Executives from 2003 to 2012, when the Association, created in 1960, was still the driving force behind the syndication business, both in the U.S. and around the world. Feldman sits on the board of the Wende.

According to Feldman, “The luncheon was conceived to bring together NATPE vets who have all worked together one way or another for the past 50 years. NATPE used to be the one event of the year where all of us were able to catch up and then compete fiercely with each other. We also met up to discuss how lucky we were to be in the business when it was growing and thriving and to remember some of the characters who are no longer with us.” The above photo report, showing a few scenes from the event, comes care of NATPE vets Michael Clark and David Mumford.

Present (in alpha order) were: Dick Askin, Laurey Barnett, Scott Carlin, Michael Clark, Bob Cohen, Jed Cohen, Rich Colbert, Bob Cook, Billy Frank, Arthur Hasson, Irv Holender, Al Jerome, Andy Kaplan, John Laing, Chuck Larsen, Michael Lambert, Gene Lavelle, Gary Marenzi, Janice Marinelli, Carole Martz, Peter Mathes, Mary Beth McAdaragh, Farrell Meisel, David Mumford, Jim Packer, Alan Perris, Peter Preis, Kim Schlotman, Joseph Scotti, David Simon, Michael Solomon, Stu Swartz, and Bill Trotter.

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