Japan’s NHK Enterprises has acquired Globo’s medieval telenovela God Save the King. The telenovela, starring Marina Ruy Barbosa (Total Dreamer), Romulo Estrela (A Life Worth Living) and Bruna Marquezine (Brave Woman), will premiere on September 4 on pay-tv channel Ginga and on Lemino, the OTT platform operated by NTT Docomo.

God Save the King is set in the fictional region of Gália, where the kingdoms of Montemor and Artena have lived in peace for a long time, until their kings make choices whose consequences directly interfere with the course of history.

Fabio Mauro, Globo’s Content Distribution & Partnerships, commented “We started our partnership last year with Brazil Avenue, one of our best-selling products around the world. Now, with the arrival of God Save the King in the region, we have increased our presence in the territory. This shows that even with cultural differences, we have a portfolio with strong plots that can connect with different audiences.”

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