Toon2Tango, the kids and family entertainment venture headed by Ulli Stoef and Jo Daris, is set to distribute animated series Dino Mite — which has already been picked up by German broadcaster ZDF — in French-speaking territories, Italy, Iberia and China. ZDF Studios will handle the distribution in all other territories worldwide.
The 39 x 11 animated series, based on the children’s books Minus Drei by Ute Krause, is set in an alternative prehistoric world, in which dinosaurs are the superior species. Humankind? Dino Mite had never heard of it. And then Lucy showed up. Dino Mite tells the story of a resourceful young dinosaur and his extraordinary ‘pet’ Lucy, a headstrong ‘cave girl’ who together tackle the adventures and challenges of childhood, sharing friendship, fun and a lot of crazy ideas.
Germany’s TRIKK17 and M.A.R.K.13, together with Luxembourg-based Fabriques d’Images are co-producing the series, which is currently in production, with delivery expected in 2024.
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