Children’s entertainment veteran Kenn Viselman has launched online experience (The itsy bitsy World of Wonders).

Viselman’s plan for is expansive. While it will start out like an online retailer, it will morph into an interactive online experience. It officially launched on April 21 to coincide with the world premiere of a live MeteoHeroes Earth Day Event. At least 10 percent of every purchase is donated to its corresponding charity.

Over the next few months will include exclusive interactive apps, podcasts, activities and live events from Viselman’s various partners, including celebrity book readings and guest speakers like Alex Simmons; in addition, well-known meteorologists will watch episodes of MeteoHeroes together with an audience and then engage and answer children’s questions about climate change and the planet.

Viselman is executive producing MeteoHeroes in partnership with Mondo TV Studios and Meteo Expert. The MeteoHeroes are a group of pint-sized superheroes, each of whom represent the seven continents and different natural elements. Working in tandem to fight climate change disasters, the fearless heroes go to battle using their own unique superhuman abilities to save our planet.

Viselman is also executive producing with Squeeze Animation Studios the adaptation of the popular graphic novels, Blackjack. Arron Day, aka BlackJack, is an African American soldier of fortune battling powerful enemies, the ghosts of his past, and the bigotry of his time. Created by Alex Simmons, Blackjack first appeared in comics in 1996 under the banner of DAP (Dark Angel Productions) Comics.

Several of Viselman’s brands will appear in itsy bitsy World of Wonders as well. “I love the idea of fans being able to get sneak peaks of future projects and access to exclusive products and opportunities. This should be really fun for all of us as we explore the endless possibilities ahead,” said Viselman.

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