Turkey’s Global Agency has launched new game show Match the Family at MIPTV. The show is an original Global Agency format, created by Izzet Pinto, challenging two teams of three players to use intelligence and quick wits to identify a person’s family members. With prize money rising to $10,000 over five rounds, teams race against time to pick out the person’s father with clues about his profession and interests. They then identify the person’s mother, sibling, child and partner over four more rounds.
Izzet Pinto, CEO of Global Agency, said about the new format “Some people are surprisingly very similar to their families, while others are not at all. Generally it’s a common topic trying to figure out who people look like. Everyone tries to resemble someone. The viewers in front of the screen will also experience the excitement by playing this game over the app. The guessing element is always fun.”
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