FilmRise and Cosgrove/Meurer Productions, the producers behind the Unsolved Mysteries franchise, have entered into a deal to co-produce and distribute a commemorative special paying tribute to the popular TV series. Timed to coincide with the anniversary of the very first episode of the series, Unsolved Mysteries: Behind the Legacy will go behind the scenes and reveal the evolution of this landmark series.
The one-hour special sits down with co-creators Terry Dunn Meurer and John Cosgrove, along with producers, directors and crew of the show, divulging behind the scenes stories and covering all aspects of the show from research to filming to solving mysteries.
The show spent 9 seasons on NBC before moving to CBS for two more seasons. Robert Stack’s performance as host left audiences with chills as a result of his haunting voice and commanding presence. Unsolved Mysteries was the very first program that enabled audiences to play a role in helping the investigation, by submitting a story or sending in a tip, which was a novel strategy at the time.
FilmRise has the worldwide international distribution rights to the special.
this is gonna be awesome