The Going European program, launched in early 2023 by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, in partnership with Séries Mania, Conecta, and the Sarajevo Film Festival – CineLink, presented the five pairs of international authors who will take part in the first edition.

Going European is a training program for international duos of authors, funded by the European Commission’s MEDIA program for a three-year period (2023-2025). Its aim is to train authors in co-writing, co-development, and co-production of international series, supporting 30 writers involved in international series co-writing projects.

The participants will meet for three intensive one-week training sessions, which will take place during the three partner events. They will participate in exchanges, workshops and masterclasses on the specific issues involved in the conception of an international series: creative, financial, legal and environmental aspects, as well as production, distribution and promotion issues, while meeting with professionals.

The five pairs selected for the first edition of the program are: Julien Paolini (France) and Isabel Andrés Portí (Spain); Maja Pek-Brünjes (Croatia) and Matija Dragojevic (Serbia); Fabien Dao (France-Burkina Faso) and Ange-Régis Hounkpatin (Bénin); Laetitia Mikles (France) and Flynn Roddam (U.K.); Víctor Santos (Spain) and Anthony Alleyne (U.K.).

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