GMA Network is premiering drama series Mga Lihim ni Urduja on February 27. The series follows the story of Gem, a career-driven rookie cop, and Crystal, a budding entrepreneur and jewelry designer. They are assigned to work in a special law enforcement operation to recover priceless heritage jewelries, believed to have been used as magical amulets of the legendary Hara Urduja.
The series will take viewers inside the Kingdom of Tawalisi, in the pre-colonial Philippines, where Hara Urduja lives. She is a mystical warrior queen who rules an army of strong, skillful, and extraordinary women.
Mga Lihim ni Urduja stars Kylie Padilla as Gem, Gabbi Garcia as Crystal, and Sanya Lopez as Hara Urduja.
The program was created under the supervision of GMA SVP for Entertainment Group Lilybeth G. Rasonable; VP for Drama Cheryl Ching-Sy; AVP for Drama Helen Rose Sese; program manager Dennis Joi K. Bentulan; and senior executive producer Mona Coles-Mayuga.
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