Telemundo Internacional is set to premiere drama series Los Miserables on February 8.
The new series, adapted from the Victor Hugo masterpiece, stars Erik Hayser (Oscuro Deseo, Preso Nº1, El recluso, Sense 8), Aracely Arámbula (La Doña, El señor de los Cielos, Corazón Salvaje), Gabriel Porras (La Fan, Bajo el mismo cielo, Jenni Rivera: Mariposa de barrio), Aylin Mujica (La patrona, Marina, Sin senos no hay paraíso) and Aarón Díaz (Santa Diabla).
Los Miserables tells the story of Lucía Durán (Aracely Arámbula), a woman unjustly persecuted by the law, who has to fight to prove her innocence to chief detective Daniel Ponce (Erik Hayser), who is also the man she loves.
Los Miserables is an original production of Telemundo Studios, with Martha Godoy as executive producer and the script adaption by Valentina Párraga.
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