Old timers who attended the first few editions of MIP-TV in the 1960s often reminisce about the fact that participants’ pictures were posted on a big board at the entrance of the market venue. This was before printed market guides became a thing. And in our post-market guide world, the organizers of the very first Content Americas event did something similar by posting photos of all of the registered participants online.

As per today, opening day, Tuesday, January 24, 2023, some 1,500 participants are officially in attendance, in addition to the usual crew that attends these types of hotel-based markets without badges in hand. The number of exhibitors is exactly 97. According to a release issued by C21 Media, the London-based trade publisher that is also the market organizer, the number of participants includes 500 buyers.

All in all, in terms of attendance, this inaugural Content Americas at the Hilton Downtown Miami might not be all that far off from the last in-person NATPE Miami event (in Miami Beach) in 2020, which also recorded an estimated 1,500 participants.

During its three days of activities, the market will also feature 22 conferences, one major screening/evening cocktail party hosted by Telemundo Global Studios, and four other parties, starting with yesterday’s welcoming party. There are also two parties today (Spain Audiovisual and Secuoya), one tomorrow (Telemundo), and Thursday’s closing party. Tomorrow also boasts a lunchtime session sponsored by the China Pavilion. Today starts with a breakfast reception hosted by the governor of the Jalisco State of Mexico, while a “luncheon for all attendees” is being readied for those participants who want a sneak peek at Warner Music’s Melody series. A press conference to present Ecuador’s Ecuavisa Studios’ 2023 production slate will also be held today.

After some initial hesitation from competing trade publishers, Content Americas organizers ultimately managed to get the endorsement of all trade publications, which are in attendance at the market.

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