A new season of Antiques Roadshow is streaming on PBS Living in January 2023. Season 27 kicks off with more fascinating finds, including a 1928 English sterling silver horse, a Pairpoint puffy owl lamp, ca. 1907, and a 1967 Ansaldo Poggi viola, among other treasures.
In this season the Roadshow travels to Santa Fe’s Museum Hill on a hunt for hidden treasures, like a 1929 New York Yankees partial team-signed ball, a New Mexico mining league trophy & photos, and a Plains Indian child’s beaded shirt. Other discoveries include an Ángel Botello oil painting, ca. 1960, Muhammad Ali and Alfred Hitchcock autographs, and a 1969 Alexander Calder sculpture.
The subscription rate for PBS Living is $2.99/month with an Amazon Prime or Prime Video subscription. The channel is also available on Apple TV Channels in the Apple TV app at a subscription rate of $2.99/month with no additional annual fees.
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