Strong Studios and The Cartel announced that production began on the new series Safehaven.

Created by showrunner James Seale, the supernatural thriller follows a high school comic artist named Jenna, played by Georgie Murphy, who must uncover the truth after horrifying visions come to life from her creations. Bob Frazer stars as a mysterious new school counselor determined to save her. Jenna’s situation is complicated by her feelings toward Will, played by Gino Anania.

David Ozern, president of Strong Studios, commented, “We have an all-star creative team and a fresh cast on board for this unique new series adapted from James Seale’s suspenseful and other-worldly graphic novel. We are thrilled to join forces with The Cartel on Safehaven, which will be our first series to go into production under our newly-formed Strong Studios banner.”

Stan Spry, CEO of The Cartel, added, “Safehaven will be a visually-stunning supernatural thriller with plot twists, dark humor, slick script and engaging characters that will no doubt deliver a bingeable series appealing to a broad audience.”

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