Vision Films picked up Mysterious Circumstance: The Death of Meriwether Lewis for U.S. and international distribution.
Directed and written by Clark Richey of Six Shooter Studios, the historic mystery-thriller is a story of the allegedly unresolved demise of the national hero in 1809. The film sheds light on the truth of Lewis’s death. The film stars John Schneider, Evan Williams, Sonny Marinelli, Amye Gousset, and more.
Vision Films is planning a theatrical release for the film in the fall in the U.S., while Equinoxe Films will release the film across theaters in Canada in September.
Lise Romanoff, managing director and CEO of Vision Films, commented, “Vision Films is truly excited to have acquired Mysterious Circumstance. This is an important film that engages modern audiences and sheds light on a 213 year old unsolved murder of one of the greatest explorers of all time.”
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