Channel 4 acquired the new documentary mini-series Married to a Psychopath.

Coming from Big Little Fish Television, the series chronicles a three-year investigation into the mysterious death of nurse Claire Morris. After involving 20 detectives, the investigation led to the conviction of Morris’s husband Malcolm Webster, who was a notorious serial killer. The film gathers expert commentary from detectives related to the case as well as criminologist Dave Wilson, forensic criminologist Jane Monckton Smith, and more.

Abacus Media Rights oversees international distribution.

Mark Procter, executive producer and CEO at Big Little Fish Television, remarked, “A caring nurse, Claire Morris was a loving daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt and friend to many. What happened to her and her family is nothing less than a tragedy. In telling her story from the perspective of the local police officers, we’re highlighting the tenacious detective work that finally brought her cruel killer to justice.”

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