Vertigo Films and SquareOne Productions, the production arm of SquareOne Entertainment, will collaborate to produce Vamping.

Vamping tells the story of a vampire community in Berlin that is trying to find its place in the world. The supernatural drama series follows Everett – a young, black, brash, queer performer – as he finds that he has been turned into a vampire.

The series was created by Matthew Jacobs Morgan, and he is joined by artist and screenwriter Sophie-Yukiko Hasters. 

Al Munteanu, founder of SquareOne Productions, commented, “Vamping is a supernatural drama about Drag Queen Vampires. This already gives you all you need to know. It is with these words that Matthew Jacobs Morgan piqued our interest years ago. We further developed the script with him and our partners at Vertigo Films and knew immediately, that we were on the right track to locate the story to Berlin and pair Matthew with German-American multi-talent Sophie-Yukiko Hasters for this story to finds its unique voice. This is a show that celebrates otherness. When rejoining forces after the Street Dance franchise, Allan Niblo and I we knew we that together we understand brash, bright and in-your-face!”

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