MIPTV 2022 is around the corner, and VideoAge‘s April Issue just turned the corner at the printer, with 13 published articles that will capture the full attention of international readers. First, there is a comprehensive story about Non-Fungible Tokens (or NFTs), written in a way that is easy to digest without first taking anti-acid stomach pills. NFTs are all the rage in Hollywood these days, and the industry can be abreast of all things NFT-related with VideoAge.

Parallel to the NFTs story is a report about assessing the “mood” for the upcoming MIPTV from multiple territories, including France, Italy, the U.S., and Turkey. Readers will be able to learn what content sellers are saying about an in-person Cannes market after a two-year hiatus — from those who will be participating and those who will not.

Naturally, VideoAge‘s MIPTV edition couldn’t neglect the new U.S. TV broadcast season, and so there is a list of all pilots for the 2022-2023 season.

The new U.S. TV season also reminds us of the L.A. Screenings, so expect a report on the informal market, to be held in person in Los Angeles in May following a two-year hiatus.

Plus, if readers are curious about the past and future of NATPE, this issue is right up their alley. Read about the past in a piece about the aborted NATPE Miami 2022 market, and the future in an article about NATPE’s new possible venue.

In addition, there are eight other compelling articles featured in VideoAge‘s MIPTV edition that will be (somewhat) spoiled from these kinds of Water Cooler previews, and we invite all readers to peruse them in print and/or online.

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