Televisa Internacional has drama, reality dating and game shows in Budapest. In “Yago,” a long running series, everything changes for Omar and his two best friends when he falls in love with Sara, a scammer who convinces him to rob a bank. Traditional series “The Three Sides of Ana” tells the tale of three identical triplets—Ana Lucía, Ana Leticia, and Ana Laura— who were separated after a car accident during their childhood. Their paths cross as adults, but newly wealthy Ana Leticia doesn’t want to share her fortune. In traditional series “Amazonas,” (pictured) Victorianio’s daughters have suspicions about how their father amassed his wealth, while leading lives filled with intrigue and betrayal. In reality dating format “Date My Avatar,” three suitors send an avatar in their name to win over the heart of the candidate in a series of dates. In game show “The Assembly Game,” the winner of the contest will take home a prize constructed during the show, taking home the item and the knowledge of how it works.

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