Breakthrough brings a variety of factual series and family-friendly shows. In animated series “Rocket Monkeys,”(pictured) two brothers and their devoted robot are tasked with saving the universe from rogue black holes, vengeful aliens and criminal masterminds. Factual series “Uprooted” follows Sarah Sharratt as she moves to rural France and navigates the challenges of cooking the local cuisine: from language barriers to elusive ingredients. From remote locations on the East Coast to Canada’s Pacific Northwest, fishing series “Hooked: With Mark Krupa” goes off the beaten path. “Resilient Cities” explores underground arts scenes in cities recovering from war, political unrest, economic uncertainty or natural disasters. In family series “L.M. Montomery’s Anne of Green Gables,” a middle-aged brother and sister adopt a precocious girl in this remake of the classic, set in 1907 on Prince Edward Island.
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