The Slave Mother (La Esclava Madre), a 4K soap opera, show’s the beginnings of Mr. Leoncio’s obsession with an enslaved woman in The Slave Isaura. HD soap opera Moses and the Ten Commandments (Moisés y los Diez Mandamientos) tells the the story of Moses, from his birth in Egypt to the arrival of his people in the Promised Land (pictured). HD series The Miracles of Jesus (Los Milagros de Jesús) highlights a different Bible story each week, told by the perspective of people facing difficulties. After Arthur falls off his horse at the age of 12 in HD telenovela Victory! (¡Victoria!), he becomes a paraplegic and his father, Gregorio, rejects him. In HD series Joseph from Egypt (José del Egipto), Joseph’s jealous brothers sell him into slavery, but they turn to him for help when famine comes.
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