Sonar Entertainment has optioned the rights to Jonathan Eig’s nonfiction book The Birth of the Pill: How Four Crusaders Reinvented Sex and Launched a Revolution. Denise DiNovi (Crazy, Stupid Love, Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, Focus), Alison Greenspan (If I Stay, The Best Of Me, You’re Not You), R.J. Cutler and Audrey Wells will be executive producing, with Cutler to direct.  Emmy-winning director R.J. Cutler (The September Issue, If I Stay, Nashville) will also direct. The Birth of the Pill, slated as a multi-part event series, focuses on four flawed, rebellious, larger than life characters racing against time, politics and ethics. The figures include social reformer (and eugenics advocate) Margaret Sanger, who opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S.; philanthropist Katharine McCormick, who helped fund the development of the pill; biologist and researcher Gregory Goodwin Pincus, co-inventor of the first oral contraceptive; and John Rock, the Catholic OBGYN who fought to win public approval for the new drug.

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