HD soap opera Moses and the Ten Commandments (Moisés y los Diez Mandamientos) narrates Moses’ life: from his birth in Egypt to the Dead Sea Crossing and his encounter with God on Mount Sinai (pictured). Bible series The Miracles of Jesus (Los Milagros de Jesús) shares messages of love, hope, courage and perseverance by focusing on a different chapter of Jesus’ teachings. Obscure Power (Poder Oscuro) provides a close look at the power struggles in Brazilian politics through a family enmeshed in a web of ambition, love affairs and betrayal. When 12-year-old Arthur becomes paraplegic after falling from a horse, his father, Gregorio, begins to avoid him in HD soap Victory (¡Victoria!). Joseph and Rachel dote on their miracle son Joseph in HD bible series Joseph From Egypt (José del Egipto), and his jealous brothers sell him as a slave in revenge.
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